Tuesday, September 29, 2009

In My Dream (Experimental 1)

Initially wanted to express out the feeling of life.
However later I find that this feelings is a bit too personal.
It was also a try out for my iMovie.
Till today, I still feel that I can do better for my Video Workshop.

Edited using iMovie

Experimental Clone

I'm a bit bored and having Insomnia
Just play with my stuffs again
Quite Fun
Comment please.

Edited using iMovie

Monday, September 28, 2009


I must thanks SIM Muay Thai Club to set up such an interesting performance
Not forgetting Daphne for recording these videos
This allow me to play with editing
But this editing is a bit boring
Not much I can play with
Maybe I can't think much to play with.


-Edited using iMovie-

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Today is the Yesterday of Tomorrow

I always asked myself this question
Why is that as I grow, I feel more depress and stress

Now I know
Because I compare
I compare the 1 moment in my past which is happy and relax
And feeling unsatisfied with what is happening today
And as time passed
this stratification of today accumulate
This result in misery in life

Today is the Yesterday of Tomorrow
How I feel about Today determine my Yesterday
How I feel Yesterday determine my Tomorrow

We can be unsatisfied with today
but maintain optimistic about tomorrow

With the right attitude
no matter what we do today
as long as we tried our best
and we know we tried our best
Today will be a good Yesterday
and Tomorrow will be optimistic

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Unholy Romance

The unholy romance was my initial idea for the video assignment.
However I find it not attractive and very dramatic.
And I was totally new user to iMovie so I had no idea how to make it exciting.

This film is making use of photos to create a stop-motion effects.
The mask is a Kabuki Mask, which comes from Japan.
Kabuki simply means Song, Dance, Show.
It was an ancient stage performance in Japan.
It almost similar to Geisha, however it involve Guys.
Most Kabuki are about Romance and Wars.

I was also influence by Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet.
So I make use of both influences into this film.

-Edited using iMovie-

Macchiato (To Staind)

Macchiato in Italian means "To Stain"

It is to show how what we are.
The plain empty paper is what we were.
The stains are the the influences we receive as we grow.
The flashes of the face are to indicate our parents.

[This short essay is totally by me. It doesn't reflect on her idea.]

This is a film that I edited for a friend in class.
She gave me good clips and ideas,
just that she wasn't sure how to express her ideas into film.
So I try my best to bring her scattered ideas together.
I enjoy the playing with her produced clips.

It was a appreciated when I know her work is selected for exhibition.
It somehow reflect on me.

-Edited using iMovie-

Back Seat

This is the first short film I made in my school.
It was not selected, and pretty affected.

Back Seat is relate to what I see as a passenger on a bike.
How it feels to be on the back seat.

I know the reason why it is not selected.
It's boring.
I didn't really enjoy playing the clips during editing.
I was rushing and eager to show people what they already know.
What I wanted to show is how daring I was to film on a bike using a handphone.
To egoistic.

Maybe I'm not expressive enough.
Riding on the road always reminds me that 1 wrong move my life would be trashed.
Everything around us seems to be so fast,
am I being too fast that I missed something in life?
How lonely can it be when everything it's just about you?
No matter how much we missed, how lonely I can be...
I still will enjoy the moment and move on till I reach my destination.

Leave some comments please.

-Edited using iMovie-


Human, the intelligence creation of God.
Never satisfied with today but optimistic about tomorrow.
But these are the minority.
They are the minority that make major changes in life.


Indulgence, Jealousy, Fear, Greedy, Laziness
The nature weakness of us.
We indulgent about what we created.
We jealous of what we don't have.
We fear of ourselves.
We are greedy of what we already have.
We are lazy of what we are unsatisfied.