Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Turn Back The Clock
Once, there's a guy who faces retrenchment, leading him into unemployment, and due to financial crisis, he went into bankruptcy. Eventually with nothing left, his girlfriend left him.
Living in such misery, he decides to tonsure. However, his luck was really so bad that, even the abbot rejected him.
The man knee down and begged the abbot, "Please don't reject me, if I can't tonsure, I've nowhere else to go but here...otherwise I'm dead!"
The Abbot slowly lift him up and said, "How is that possible? Before this, you're also an ordinary man, and how did you live?"
"I had a girlfriend, someone to relay on, but not now!", in agony the man cried.
Abbot, "Before you met your girlfriend, isn't you alone too?"
The man, "It's different! I had a job that provide me wealth than anyone can wish for!"
Abbot, "When you just graduated, you've no wealth no jobs, isn't it?"
Then the abbot stops, the man thinks, deeply.
The abbot smiled at him and pat his shoulder, "Now what causes the misery is not jobless, bankrupt nor single, but "not wanting to lose." Before having all these, isn't you living as per usual? The only thing is that you've turn back the clock."
I personally know this mother who is very disappointed with her son. Whenever she mentioned him, her heart attack will strike.
Suddenly one day, she said, "Just take it, I don't have a son!" Unexpectedly, after thinking so, her health improves.
Monday, May 16, 2011
It was my first time working with my senior, Jun Feng.
Sitting beside him was an amazing experience.
He knows what he wants and he directs the talents was amazing.
But I doubt that's the best of him. haha...!
Click it:
Saturday, May 14, 2011
就傷心,嫉妒; 別人跑得比較慢,就洋洋得意。

When Autumn Starts and Summer Ends
I believe no one in our batch will forget how I introduce myself.
As usual, I'll build a barrel from people. I was kinda depress with the class situation.
Anyway, we started with planning our portfolio (autobiography).
For some reason, we have to do it.
So I experienced the process of being a director + actor.
I've to trust my crew and I just need to do my job. haha...
Inside The Outside is basically about how I struggle with myself and at the same time,
I used my dialect, Teochew as the language, because it's my identity.
As much as possible, I tried to portray myself in a 3 dimensional figure.
Living situation, hobby, my idol, my relationship with my mum....etc...
We're fortunate to be issued with a camera and a sound boom. haha....
It was not a easy work, cause I insist of finishing the shoot in a night, and we
managed to do it....*clap clap...haha!
Sound: Theron [Alway so committed]

Acting + Directing is really not easy!

Check Sound...Check Check Check....

Xiao Ting was a portfolio project I did in Semester 2, we were tasked to film a portrait of
someone. Xiao Ting is the real name of the cast, Xiao Ting, however it was based on a true
story of a friend I know long ago. She's a contradiction for me. I don't know if she's noble or
stupid. For love, she's willing to sacrifice anything. The fortunate thing for her is that the man
she loves is nice and loyal to her so...ya...
Anyway! ya...haha! Initially, I wanted a sex scene, however my lecturers told me, it's cliche...
they believe I can do better than that, so they challenge me to represent her in another way...
So I've to crack my head...rewrite the script and was quite a pain in the ass...but at
least I realize that, thinking process are very essential in film making...everyone can make a film,
but how are one present it is the main factor.
Also in the first place, I challenged myself that I'm going to minimize the use of the dialogue,
using camera shot and props to tell a story. A lot of planning was considered, the cloth she wears, the kind of shots...are very essential....lucky it turns out well...haha!
Again I used my room, I've to reset the setting of my room to create a more girl feel, but I think it
didn't turn out well...haha!
DP: JAN [Damn fortunate to have him as the DP]

Sound Dept + Voice behind the radio: [Shan, Jessleen + Vicky very tough girls]

From The Negative
From The Negative was the Major project for us the Level 1, which revolves around a depress, hopeless girl enlighten by a blind man who loves photography. Inspired by my friend Daphne, Life is like photography, it develops from the negatives.
I was lucky that I was privileged to direct my own story, and that time, we had the privileged to
use most the equipments, such as the light, dolly etc...however we had restricted areas of usage.
The process from Pre-Production to Post Production was very intense. However I chose the path of restricting myself taking control. I gave them the space to enjoy the process and learn from each other, including themselves. It was a fun experience for me at least...I keep pushing my crews thought....haha! I think it was hard for them...haha!
I emphasized alot on safety and respecting each others more than the outcome of the film. haha! Try not to be too egoistic. haha!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
The Ghost Writer
The “Desired and Wanted”, Roman Polanski latest’s work; The Ghost Writer is very much a shadow of his 1974’s masterpiece, Chinatown.
In Chinatown, featuring Jack Nicolson who is about a private detective investigating an adultery case stumbles on to a scheme of murder that has something to do with water.
In Ghost Writer, featuring Ewan McGregor who’s a gifted ghostwrite is hired to write the memoirs of former British Prime Minister Adam Lang (Pierce Brosnan), he quickly find himself trapped in a web of political and sexual intrigue. Lang is implicated in a scandal over his administration’s harsh tactics, and as the ghostwriter digs into the politician’s past, he discovers secrets that threaten to jeopardize international relations forever.
They were simple stories concept but complicated structure. That is what Polanski is famous for. When I sat down and watch this films, at the start of the story, I understand what is the protagonist is tasked to, in Chinatown is about a private detective task to look for a man, who was later found dead, similarly, the writer was hired to write the memoirs for the former British Prime Minister. However, as the story progress, I slowly realized it’s more than just looking for a man (Chinatown) or writing the memoirs (The Ghost Writer). The truths slowly surface and always we have to expect the unexpected when nearing to the end of the films.
Polanski made used of death to as a start of everything or the truth; the death of the mayor in Chinatown and the death of the former ghostwriter in The Ghostwriter. Both dead men had no reveal in the show, they never appear on the screen, but what appears are the things they leave behind, and that’s what Polanski is good at; using the traces of the dead to carry on with the stories.
The way both films end is the most unexpected ways and yet they have a similarity in it. Chinatown ends it with his partner saying, “Forget it Jack, it’s Chinatown.” Which imply that, that’s nothing he can do about it, this is how things runs in Chinatown. The shot went up with a car leaving, the crane slowly rise up and….THE END. In The Ghost Writer, the protagonist walks out with the stack of papers, and BANG!, he got knock down. It was a still shot, pan from the moment he walk out of the building, to the road, hiring a cab, looking lost, he walks out of frame, later a car dashes by the frame towards the direction where the protagonist walks……BANG! We know that the car hit him, we got even more confirm when pieces of paper fly pass. It was the stack of paper he’s carrying. And that’s what a Polanski’s films.
If you have no idea who Roman Polanski, go google.